gmp Company Start-up – selectable by sectors and regions and other criteria for your new customer acquisition.
14,000 new companies in Germany every month: 8,000 new entries in the commercial register and another 6,000 entrepreneurs, startups and start-ups!
Depending on the target industry and / or sales region, this results in several hundred or thousands of start-up business founders – new potential contacts for your new customer acquisition and lead generation. Advantage for you: we offer one of the highest market coverage with the highest up-to-date on request by monthly reference.
Startups have a very high demand for a wide variety of products and services that are important for the start-up phase and beyond. Whether insurances, company vehicles, office supplies, office equipment, consulting and much more, these target groups need everything at the start!
Your advantage: New companies and start-up companies have not hardly been advertised. They are short time the market. So use your time advantage and be one of the first to use this target group for marketing, advertising and sales. Company start-ups are researched from various public sources. They will be further qualified to differentiate company foundations as possible from pure company relocations.
Company start-ups, start-ups and start-up founders are made available to you via data streaming.
The following data is available:
- Company name
- Postal address
- Branch assignment according to WZ-Code 2008 or NACE
Additional features (optional) *:
- contact person of the 1st management level
- Phone
* as far as available
The following options are available:
- regular delivery (weekly / monthly)
- Delivery of all company start-ups of earlier years as a supplement to your existing customer and market potential database from the time of their last database update.
You would like to test the gmp start-ups? We are happy to provide you with the start-ups for a test. Conditions on request. For more information, please contact
A first overview by main branches can be found here: