Companies with vehicle fleet in Germany
Gelfert Marketing Partner offers company addresses with fleet classes, vehicle types and additional company data
Currently there are about 160,000 business addresses (real data by phone campaigns) available with information about their fleet size for direct marketing, sales and advertising. These companies with fleet are divided according to size of the fleet (fleet classes). Also available are approximately 2.6 million records based on scores. These are companies whose vehicle fleet size is assigned to a fleet class on the basis of secondary criteria with a very high level of accuracy. Design your direct marketing campaign with our targeted support! Your advertising or sales promotion is most effective when it gets to the point. Quality-certified addresses distinguish gmp gelfert marketing partner. With gmp fleet data you focus your marketing and sales activities on the addresses with the greatest economic prospects for you.
Selection criteria for company addresses with fleets
Fleet Information
- Number of vehicles (fleet classes)
- Type of vehicles (companies with predominantly car fleets, truck fleets or vans)
Company figures
- Size classes
- Employees classes
- Sales classes
- Industry classifications (WZ 2008, NACE, SIC or translated into your own industry classification)
- Economic Activity Index
- Founding year
- Company type (headquarters, branch, branch, etc.)
- GEO data
Communications data
- Telephone number of the company headquarters
- Website
- Postal address
- other
Geographical features
- Federal states
- ZIP codes
- Postal Codes
- Individual sales territories
A current quantity overview of companies with vehicle fleet can be found here:
Do you have any questions or would you like an offer for companies with vehicle fleet information?
We, your team from gmp gelfert marketing partner, are happy to assist you with our many years of experience from successful customer projects. You are also entitled to rely on our know-how when addressing target groups or implementing support for actions.
So do not wait any longer! Contact me immediately. Call us at phone +49 (0)2866 188240 or send us an email to:
And of course we take into account all topics of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
By the way:
Are you looking for addresses of Dutch companies with a fleet? Find out more here
Are you looking for addresses of companies with truck fleet? Here too we have interesting data for you. Find out more here